life of citibike
08/27/2016a day in the life of citibike is an urban data visualization that lets you scrub through a day of Citi Bike trips from one day in the summer of 2016. Select which stations you're interested in, then choose to track either bike trips or station traffic over the course of the day. Then click "Go" to view an animation of the relevant bike trips from that day.
The front-end was implemented in D3.JS and vanilla JavaScript. The code is...quite callback-helly, to be honest, but I was new to the language and wanted to see what would happen if I didn't use a framework.
The bicycle pathing dataset powering the application is served on MongoDB, using an mLab cloud database instance. The dataset was generated using the Google Directions API for routing.
The making of Life of Citibike explains how I built it. The app is now offline.